Welcome to our comprehensive individual psychological treatments designed to cater to the unique needs of adults facing mental health challenges. At CPS, we recognize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in treating complex mental illnesses. While the standard recommendation involves a team comprising professionals from diverse fields such as psychiatry, clinical psychology, and social work, our focus lies on delivering specialized individual treatments.
Help of many professionals
At present research indicates that complex illnesses as mental illnesses are recommended to be treated by a multidisciplinary team. The term multidisciplinary team refers to more than one professional from different fields, with different expertise.
The multidisciplinary team typically consists of:
Clinical psychologist
Social worker
A larger team may consist of:
Occupational therapists
Speech therapists, etc
Therefore in treating mental illnesses different types of treatments from different experts are recommended.
In the treatment of mental illnesses, alongside with medication psychotherapy is recommended as part of the mainstream treatment recommendations. Yet, due to the inadequacy of qualified psychologists in Sri Lanka, most mentally ill patients do not receive psychological treatments. This is specially so as there are no psychologists attached to the government health service.
Yet, in the recovery from mental illnesses psychological treatments play a crucial part. Therefore, CPS offers a wide range of individual treatments for individuals suffering from mental illnesses. For patients with mental illnesses treatments are provided by a qualified clinical psychologist registered in the Sri Lanka Medical Council.
Get in touch
The answer is a big “No”. Time to time we may face issues, problems, challenges in life, where we might require the support of a professional. For example you might just need to sort out few issues at work or a relationship issue. For this you can always see a psychologist or a counsellor.
You can make appointments online or by visiting our premises. For online appointments, schedule below. Do not forget to bring all your treatment records with your psychiatrist if you are already seeing one and any other reports on any physical illnesses you might have.